4 — 8 — 10 — 10 — 24 — 29 — 33 — 102 — 1000

Fourth NN defeat in a row, ten UNICS victories, Monia three point leading and other achievements and records in the statistical review of the BEKO PBL Round 13.
4. Nizhniy Novgorod suffered fourth defeat in a row on Saturday. Last time Zoran Lukic team had won was in the game against Dynamo on January 15.
8. Triumph defender Egor Vialtsev repeated BEKO PBL anti-record by making 8 turnovers in the game against Enisey. That is more than a half of team’s turnovers in the game. Dynamo player Dmitry Khvostov also made the same quantity of turnovers in the game against Khimki on Round 11. Nevertheless Vialtsev made a great performance and helped his team to get a victory over Enisey with 23 points, 9 assists and 6 rebounds. He took the second place in the Round 13 MVP rating.
10. UNICS became the first BEKO PBL club gained 10 victories. Nizhniy Novgorod became the first who suffered 10 defeats.
10. Three players made 10 rebounds in defense in the BEKO PBL Championship Round 13. Vladimir Veremeenko and Ivan Paunic each in the game UNICS – Nizhniy Novgorod and Krasnye Krylya defender Brion Rush in the game against Lokomotiv-Kuban.
Ivan Paunic already had made such achievement in the game against Enisey on December 18.
Spartak forward Miha Zupan is the author of the PBL record with 14 defensive rebounds he made in the game against Lokomotiv-Kuban on January 22.
24. Dynamo defender Evgeny Voronov has made more steals than anybody in the League at the moment – 24. Lokomotiv Jeremiah Massey and Spartak Anton Ponkrashov have 21 steals each.
29. Krasnye Krylya made 29 points in each final quarter in last two games.
33. Khimki forward Sergey Monia leads in the League with 33 clear three-point throws. Loko Leonel Chalmers follows Monia with 26 clear three point throws.
102. Loko forward Jeremiah Massey became the first in the PBL who made more than 100 rebounds. He made 102 rebounds in 13 games. Khimki forward Sergey Monia follows him with 85 rebounds in 13 games.
1000. Six BEKO PBL clubs made more than 1000 points in the League after Round 13. Khimki center Alexey Savrasenko made the first 1000-point throw in the league.
3 – 5 – 7 - 9 – 14 – 25 – 35 – 35 – 49 – 60 – 64 – 104 – 199.