Valery Likhodey
Valery Likhodey
Position: Forward
Team: Triumph
Birthday: 23.10.1986
Height: 205 sm
Weight: 97 kg
Nationality: Russia
Average ranking 15.3
Points 13.8
Assists 1
Bounds 6.3
Steals 1.4
Blockedshots 1.1
Voronov won the BEKO PBL Championship MVP Round 12
Voronov won the BEKO PBL Championship MVP Round 12
Voronov, Likhodey, Monia, Baxter and Vialtsev became the most valuable BEKO PBL Championship Round 12 players.

Top-5 and symbolic team of the Round 12.

Lokomotiv outscored Triumph 84:63.

KK - Khimki - 80:85.

Enisey outscored Nizhniy Novgorod 83:74.


UNICS outscored CSKA 63:54.

Spartak - Dynamo - 87:85.


Bottom-placed club gained two straight victories in PBL.


BEKO and PBL agreement signing press-conference