Ginas Rutkauskas leaves BEKO PBL after his contract expires

BEKO PBL General Director has left his position due to the expiration of his contract. The League's Board thanks Ginas for two years of partnership and wishes him luck in his new projects. The coordinator of the U-21 Championships Pavel Astakhov will take charge until the next Board meeting.
GInas Rutkauskas was appointed the Professional Basketball League General Director on June 21st 2010 after the first Board meeting. Under Rutkauskas the League has gone all the way from its foundaion to the status of one of the top competitions in Europe.
Amongst Ginas' main achievements - the organisation of the League's office, cooperation with the clubs, signing of 3-year deal with the League's name sponsor - BEKO, and technical sponsor Spalding, and also the hosting of the All-Star game.
Andrey Vatutin, head of the Board:
«Ginas has been working in the League since it's foundation and has done a great job. He was one of the reasons of the growing status of Russian club basketball in Europe, did big amount of manager work. I wish him big success at the new place.»
Ginas Rutkauskas:
«First of all I'd like to thank the clubs' head for the trust in me and the League's staff for the cooperation. I think we've done plenty of good for Russian basketball in two years. BEKO PBL has become second best European championships with the world famous. Russian championships has become an interesting and exciting tournament.
Perhaps, the League could've achieved more. But I think I the current circumstancies we've done maximum. I wish the BEKO PBL clubs and its staff the very best.»